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Bij Torfs L nv beschouwen wij de veiligheid en continuïteit van onze online services als één van onze topprioriteiten. Onze specialisten werken voortdurend aan het optimaliseren van onze processen en systemen, maar ondanks alle inspanningen die we leveren om onze systemen te beveiligen, kunnen kleine kwetsbaarheden steeds aanwezig zijn. Daarom werken wij samen met een ethical hacking platform.
Torfs L nv Responsible Disclosure Statement
Responsible Disclosure Statement
We investigate all reports of security vulnerabilities affecting our web presence. If you are a security researcher and you believe you have found a security vulnerability, please help us by reporting it so that we can work together to improve the safety and reliability of our systems.
You can report vulnerabilities by joining the Intigriti bug bounty program and registering as a researcher:
Intigriti is a crowdsourced security platform where security researchers and companies meet. As an ethical hacking and bug bounty platform, Intigriti aims to identify and tackle vulnerabilities in a cost efficient way. The platform facilitates online security testing through collaborating with experienced researchers.
Can I be rewarded for my report?
As an Intigriti researcher, you can earn good money. If you are willing to go public with your responsible hacking activities, you can receive financial rewards. Intigriti pays out rewards for every bug you manage to find and submit as the first researcher. Please be aware, Intigriti does not accept registrations from anonymous researchers.
With Our Thanks
If your vulnerability report is valid and you would like to be recognised for your contribution, we will gladly add you to our “Torfs L nv InfoSec Hall of Fame”, by name or anonymously. Rest assured, we will only add you to our “Hall of Fame” if you explicitly request this.
Can I Report A Vulnerability Anonymously?
If you prefer not to provide your name and contact details, you can report a vulnerability directly to Torfs L nv. However, you should consider that without this information we will be unable to discuss the next steps with you, or add you to our “Hall of Fame”.
To report a vulnerability directly to us, please send an e-mail to our security team: [email protected].
Our specialists will read your report and start working on it right away.
Please ensure that your e-mail is clear and succinct. In particular, please include the following information:
Examples of vulnerabilities could be:
Vulnerability Testing Rules
To ensure that your testing remains lawful, refrain from using invasive or destructive techniques. Always adhere to these rules:
Vulnerability Reporting Guidelines
To ensure the best outcome, please follow these guidelines:
Our Vulnerability Reporting Commitment
You can expect the following commitments from us:
Your Privacy
Your personal information will only be used to approach you regarding your vulnerability report. We will not distribute your personal information to third parties without your permission. Should the law require us to provide your personal information to an authority we will ensure that the applicable authority treats your personal information confidentially. We will remain responsible for your personal information.
Thank you for your support.
Information Security Team – Torfs L nv
Last update: January 2020
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